Chapter 13
Handling Errors
In the previous chapter, you learned how to mutate data using Server Actions. Let's see how you can handle errors gracefully using JavaScript's try/catch
statements and Next.js APIs.
In this chapter...
Here are the topics we’ll cover
How to use the special error.tsx
file to catch errors in your route segments, and show a fallback UI to the user.
How to use the notFound
function and not-found
file to handle 404 errors (for resources that don’t exist).
Adding try/catch
to Server Actions
First, let's add JavaScript's try/catch
statements to your Server Actions to allow you to handle errors gracefully.
If you know how to do this, spend a few minutes updating your Server Actions, or you can copy the code below:
Note how redirect
is being called outside of the try/catch
block. This is because redirect
works by throwing an error, which would be caught by the catch
block. To avoid this, you can call redirect
after try/catch
. redirect
would only be reachable if try
is successful.
Now, let's check what happens when an error is thrown in your Server Action. You can do this by throwing an error earlier. For example, in the deleteInvoice
action, throw an error at the top of the function:
export async function deleteInvoice(id: string) {
throw new Error('Failed to Delete Invoice');
// Unreachable code block
try {
await sql`DELETE FROM invoices WHERE id = ${id}`;
return { message: 'Deleted Invoice' };
} catch (error) {
return { message: 'Database Error: Failed to Delete Invoice' };
When you try to delete an invoice, you should see an error on localhost. Ensure that you remove this error after testing and before moving onto the next section.
Seeing these errors are helpful while developing as you can catch any potential problems early. However, you also want to show errors to the user to avoid an abrupt failure and allow your application to continue running.
This is where Next.js error.tsx
file comes in.
Handling all errors with error.tsx
The error.tsx
file can be used to define a UI boundary for a route segment. It serves as a catch-all for unexpected errors and allows you to display a fallback UI to your users.
Inside your /dashboard/invoices
folder, create a new file called error.tsx
and paste the following code:
'use client';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function Error({
}: {
error: Error & { digest?: string };
reset: () => void;
}) {
useEffect(() => {
// Optionally log the error to an error reporting service
}, [error]);
return (
<main className="flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
<h2 className="text-center">Something went wrong!</h2>
className="mt-4 rounded-md bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2 text-sm text-white transition-colors hover:bg-blue-400"
// Attempt to recover by trying to re-render the invoices route
() => reset()
Try again
There are a few things you'll notice about the code above:
- "use client" -
needs to be a Client Component. - It accepts two props:
: This object is an instance of JavaScript's nativeError
: This is a function to reset the error boundary. When executed, the function will try to re-render the route segment.
When you try to delete an invoice again, you should see the following UI:
Handling 404 errors with the notFound
Another way you can handle errors gracefully is by using the notFound
function. While error.tsx
is useful for catching all errors, notFound
can be used when you try to fetch a resource that doesn't exist.
For example, visit http://localhost:3000/dashboard/invoices/2e94d1ed-d220-449f-9f11-f0bbceed9645/edit.
This is a fake UUID that doesn't exist in your database.
You'll immediately see error.tsx
kicks in because this is a child route of /invoices
where error.tsx
is defined.
However, if you want to be more specific, you can show a 404 error to tell the user the resource they're trying to access hasn't been found.
You can confirm that the resource hasn't been found by going into your fetchInvoiceById
function in data.ts
, and console logging the returned invoice
export async function fetchInvoiceById(id: string) {
try {
// ...
console.log(invoice); // Invoice is an empty array []
return invoice[0];
} catch (error) {
console.error('Database Error:', error);
throw new Error('Failed to fetch invoice.');
Now that you know the invoice doesn't exist in your database, let's use notFound
to handle it. Navigate to /dashboard/invoices/[id]/edit/page.tsx
, and import { notFound }
from 'next/navigation'
Then, you can use a conditional to invoke notFound
if the invoice doesn't exist:
import { fetchInvoiceById, fetchCustomers } from '@/app/lib/data';
import { updateInvoice } from '@/app/lib/actions';
import { notFound } from 'next/navigation';
export default async function Page({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) {
const id = params.id;
const [invoice, customers] = await Promise.all([
if (!invoice) {
// ...
Perfect! <Page>
will now throw an error if a specific invoice is not found. To show an error UI to the user. Create a not-found.tsx
file inside the /edit
Then, inside the not-found.tsx
file, paste the following the code:
import Link from 'next/link';
import { FaceFrownIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline';
export default function NotFound() {
return (
<main className="flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2">
<FaceFrownIcon className="w-10 text-gray-400" />
<h2 className="text-xl font-semibold">404 Not Found</h2>
<p>Could not find the requested invoice.</p>
className="mt-4 rounded-md bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2 text-sm text-white transition-colors hover:bg-blue-400"
Go Back
Refresh the route, and you should now see the following UI:
That's something to keep in mind, notFound
will take precedence over error.tsx
, so you can reach out for it when you want to handle more specific errors!
Further reading
To learn more about error handling in Next.js, check out the following documentation:
You've Completed Chapter 13
Nice, you're now able to handle errors gracefully in your application.
Was this helpful?